A new year often means making resolutions – and for many cancer patients, cancer survivors, and caregivers, making the decision to eat healthfully can help promote strength and overall good health.
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But what does eating healthfully really mean? According to Dana-Farber nutritionist Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, the focus should be on whole foods – including fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds – as well as balanced meals combining vegetables, lean proteins, and good carbohydrates.
“That foundation of a healthy diet, and what we like to call a balanced plate, that’s really the key starting point,” Kennedy says.
Kennedy discussed the latest in nutrition and cancer during a recent Facebook Live webchat. The chat, which included questions submitted by patients and caregivers, covered nutrition and cancer myths, healthy ingredient substitutions, and how to eat while managing the side effects of cancer treatment.
View a video of the Jan. 6 webchat below.
Learn more about nutrition services at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center.
Very good information for the cancer patients