
每天,美国约有8500例皮肤癌(skin cancer)新增病例。保护自己不受阳光中紫外线的照射固然重要,请您也切记经常检查皮肤有无异常之处。尽管雀斑和痣往往无害,但也不能对常规的自我检查和ABCDE法则掉以轻心,如此可以帮助您了解皮肤标记的严重程度。倘若有任何地方看起来不寻常,请您立即就医。


通常情况下,经胸腔X光和CT扫描检查出来的、位于肺脏组织里的小肿块往往呈良性,但它有时也可能具有致癌性。中国病理学家将其称为 “占位病灶(space-occupying lesions)” 。

How Treatment Works for CAR T-Cell Therapy Patients

CAR T-cell therapy is a form of immunotherapy that uses specially modified T cells — part of the body’s defense system against disease — to attack cancer. It involves collecting T cells from a patient and genetically modifying them to recognize cancer cells. Reinfused into the patient, CAR T cells can spark a potent immune … Read more

What is a Living Drug?

“Living” drugs consist of fully functional cells that have been selected and often modified to treat specific diseases, such as cancer. CAR T-cell therapy and therapeutic vaccines fall into this category.

Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer: What You Should Know

Many factors contribute to increased breast cancer risk for some women — including certain inherited genes. About 5 to 10 percent of breast cancer cases are thought to be hereditary, meaning that they are the direct result of gene mutations passed on from a parent. Genes are individual units of inheritance made of DNA. There … Read more

New Interventions Address Sexual Health after Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Ovarian cancer often goes undetected before it reaches more invasive stages, but there is one aspect of the disease that frequently remains ignored even after diagnosis: Its impact upon a patient’s sexual health and function. Now, as research and treatment advances are allowing more women to live longer and healthier with ovarian cancer, Dana-Farber is … Read more

What is the Relationship Between Tea and Cancer Prevention?

Drinking tea has been a practice around the world since ancient times, and often has been seen as a way of promoting good health. Whether tea – either the green or black varieties – can reduce the risk of cancer is a question that has been studied, but hasn’t yielded a definite answer. Made from … Read more