In recent years, studies have shown that foods like coffee and nuts may be able to lower risk of colon cancer. Aspirin, too, has been linked to reducing risk. Despite these studies, experts still stand by screening as the number one way to prevent the disease.

“There are many different ways we can prevent this cancer, ranging from medical tests to dietary and lifestyle behaviors to taking certain medications,” says Kimmie Ng, MD, MPH, director of clinical research for Dana-Farber’s Gastrointestinal Cancer Center. “But if I had to come down on one, important factor to lower risk of colon cancer, it’s screening.”
Ng recently participated in a live video webchat on the latest in colon cancer prevention. Ng discussed topics including risk factors, screening techniques and guidelines, as well as the latest research looking at different foods, vitamins and medications that may be able to lower colon cancer risk.
Watch a recording of the webchat below:
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