How to Eat Healthfully in the New Year [Webchat]

A new year often means making resolutions – and for many cancer patients, cancer survivors, and caregivers, making the decision to eat healthfully can help promote strength and overall good health. Learn More: What Do Dana-Farber Nutritionists Eat? The Best Foods and Diet for Cancer Treatment and Survivorship [Podcast] Grass-Fed Beef and Wild Fish: Hype or … Read more

Cancer Conversations Podcast – Episode #8: The Best Foods and Diet for Cancer Treatment and Survivorship

Good nutrition plays a key role in cancer prevention and survivorship. With the right pantry items, patients can help manage side effects of treatment and potentially lower risk of recurrence. In this Cancer Conversations podcast episode, Dana-Farber nutritionist Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, CSO, discusses the best diet for cancer patients, as well as tips for … Read more

What Role Does Nutrition Play During Cancer Treatment: A Twitter Chat Recap

Whether it’s before, during, or after cancer treatment, nutrition plays a critical role in a patient’s overall health. Certain foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, can help increase energy levels, support the immune system, and manage side effects.

StacyKtwitterchat-2Dana-Farber (@DanaFarber) and HealthCentral (@healthcentral) hosted a live Twitter chat on nutrition and cancer on March 12, 2014. The chat featured Dana-Farber nutritionist Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, as well as a large group of hospitals, nurses, dieticians, doctors, and patients. Some of the topics included tips for maintaining a balanced diet, how to manage side effects with food, how to lose weight in a healthy way, and information about vitamins and supplements.

Scroll through the Storify below for some highlights from the cancer nutrition chat and tips on how you can start a healthy eating routine.

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