Lynch Syndrome Center Helps Family Stay Vigilant — and Grow 

The first time Jay Reese was diagnosed with colon cancer, he didn’t tell his preschool-aged children. After it came back decades later, he told them immediately — and then suggested they take action.   Jay underwent genetic testing after his 2012 colon cancer recurrence which revealed he had Lynch syndrome, an inherited genetic condition which carries … Read more

How Genetics Can Help Predict — and Sometimes Stop — Childhood Cancers

Amy Kindstedt hates cancer, but the 9-year-old is very thankful for one thing: Because genetic testing on her baby brother Hunter revealed he had the same genetic mutation she did, his cancer was caught much earlier –  possibly sparing him the same level of intense treatment she endured. The mapping of the human genome has … Read more

Five Things You Need to Know About Cancer Genetics

Although most cancers are sporadic or occur by chance, a small percentage are due to inherited genetic (or germline) mutations, which can often be identified through genetic testing. These mutations are different from somatic mutations, which are not inherited, but occur during one’s lifetime. Profile, a research project launched by Dana-Farber and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, … Read more