Sidney Farber Scholar Pursues Innovative Treatments for Leukemia 

Physician-scientist Franziska Wachter, MD, came to Dana-Farber 10 years ago as a postdoctoral fellow with a vision. In the clinic, she cares for children with hard-to-treat cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In the laboratory, her eyes are on the molecular drivers of the disease.   “I try to connect the two roles as much as … Read more

Pediatric Leukemia Patient Follows in His Father’s Footsteps 

Jake Maguire was just three days away from his sixth birthday when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Encouraged by his father, a gym teacher, the young Maguire was already in love with sports, especially baseball. Now 23 and over a decade out of treatment, that love is still strong, and Maguire is … Read more

Pediatric Leukemia Patient Takes LEAP to Remission on Precision Medicine Trial

First Cinthia Roman Manrique learned she had acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Then the 8-year-old Peru native was uprooted from her school, family, and friends when she flew with her mother in early 2017 to the United States — where chances of a cure for her high-risk cancer were better.  In the U.S., Cinthia’s challenges continued … Read more

Pediatric Patient with Leukemia in Remission after Treatment and Transplant

Rosemary Iwakura, 17, was experiencing strange symptoms before her acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis (ALL) almost two years ago. She was unable to focus on her schoolwork or activities and fainted on several occasions at school and at home. “I thought; ‘People faint for many reasons,’” she recalls. “We weren’t sure if we were supposed to … Read more

Pediatric Patient with Rare Leukemia in Remission after Novel Treatment

Nytasha Jette was panicked when her two-month-old son, Elyahs Jones, was found to have an extraordinarily high white blood cell count — over 300,000 — during a regular check-up. The family physician noted that Jones had very pale hands and was worried that the child wasn’t getting proper blood flow. Jette rushed Jones to Dana-Farber/Boston … Read more

Surviving Stem Cell Transplant: New Hope When the Donor Isn’t a Full Match

To see Tara Daniels today, with a corporate job in marketing and about to close on a house, you’d never know what she’s been through, how thrilled she is to be alive. This month marks five years since she received a high-risk bone marrow transplant for a life-threatening blood cancer. Tara woke up feeling sick … Read more

Targeted Agent Shows Early Promise Against a Dangerous Infant Leukemia

Leukemias involving reshuffling or rearrangement of the mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) gene, known as MLL-rearranged or MLL-r leukemias, account for 70 to 80 percent of acute leukemias in infants under one year old. In these blood cancers, a subset of acute myeloid and acute lymphoid leukemias (AML and ALL), the MLL gene breaks and reattaches to the wrong section … Read more

‘They’re Always There’: Emotional Support for Childhood Cancer Patients and Parents at Dana-Farber

When Samantha Price’s four-year-old daughter, Shelby, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) in October 2019, Price had so many questions about what the future held for both of them. What would the highs and lows of treatment look and feel like for Shelby, and how could she best care for her daughter throughout the … Read more

Could Leukemia Be Stopped Before It Starts? Researchers Aim to Find Out

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a blood cancer affecting both adults and children, requires more than one genetic “hit” to develop. As we age, many of us acquire a mutation that enables certain of our blood cells to multiply faster than others, forming their own distinct population. This first hit, known as “clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate … Read more

What’s New in the Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia?

Medically reviewed by Lewis Silverman, MD A greater understanding of the genomics of pediatric leukemia — the genetic errors and irregularities that underlie the disease — has enabled researchers to divide the disease into additional subtypes. This has improved physicians’ ability to identify patients with an increased risk of relapse and to prescribe treatments to … Read more

Pediatric Patient and Social Worker Forge Bond From Clinic to College

Like many of Dana-Farber’s youngest patients, 3-year-old Hannah Packman brought a favorite plaything to each of her Jimmy Fund Clinic visits. Lulu the doll, however, was unique because of the extra attention she received from pediatric social worker Deborah Berk, LICSW. When Hannah had a blood draw, Berk arranged for Lulu to have one as … Read more

What’s New in Treatment for Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)?

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of leukemia in which a group of white blood cells, called lymphocytes, are affected. Leukemia is the most common form of cancer in children, and about 80 percent of children with leukemia have acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy was approved in August 2017 for the … Read more