The Link Between HPV and Cancer

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that can cause abnormal tissue growth and other changes to cells. It can be spread through skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity, and it can be carried by all sexes. There are over 100 different types (or strains) of the virus, which are considered either “low-risk” (because they cause warts) … Read more

What’s New in Immunotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer?

For patients with advanced head and neck cancers, immune-based therapies have started to show results against these hard-to-treat tumors. Two immunotherapy drugs were approved in 2016 for use when standard treatments failed, and many other agents are being tested in clinical trials. Immunotherapies work by enhancing the body’s natural defenses against malignancies, and have made … Read more

Do Hot Drinks Increase the Risk of Esophageal Cancer?

Based on a review of numerous scientific studies, the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) recently concluded that routine consumption of “very hot” drinks probably raises the risk of esophageal cancer. The review, by a panel of 23 experts around the world, found that drinking beverages such as coffee or tea at very high … Read more

What Is the Best Diet for Someone with Oral Cancer?

Side effects from oral cancer and its treatment can make it challenging to eat essential nutrients that can maintain strength and support recovery. Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, CSO, a senior nutritionist at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, shares strategies for reaching your nutritional goals: Eat small meals often Have six to eight small meals or snacks … Read more

Tips for Quitting Chewing Tobacco

Often associated with professional athletes, smokeless or chewing tobacco is a major risk factor for several cancers, including oral, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer. While “chew” and “snuff” won’t be making their way to ballparks in Boston this baseball season, thanks to a citywide ban at all professional and amateur sporting venues, the habit is addictive … Read more

Comedian Gets Last Laugh on Cancer

Joe Yannetty earns a living making people laugh, so when it came to thanking his caregivers at Dana-Farber/New Hampshire Oncology-Hematology (DF/NHOH) for the successful treatment of his throat cancer, candy or flowers just wasn’t going to cut it. For Yannetty, a Boston-based comedian since 1983, gratitude was best expressed by doing what he does best: taking the … Read more

How Robotics are Improving Treatment for Head and Neck Cancers

Head and neck (oropharyngeal) cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the U.S., with nearly 40,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Though tobacco and alcohol use can raise the risk of developing the disease, exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV) poses an even greater risk. People who have had an oral HPV infection have a 50 … Read more