
大多数复发性癌症患者的确诊年龄往往在50岁以上。然而,在过去的几十年里,50岁以下的成年人确诊多种癌症的比率有所上升;这包括:乳腺癌(breast)、结直肠癌(colorectal)、子宫内膜癌(endometrial)、食管癌(esophageal)、胆管癌(bile duct)、胆囊癌(gallbladder)、头颈癌(head and neck)、肾癌(kidney)、肝癌(liver)、胰腺癌(pancreatic)、前列腺癌(prostate)、胃癌(stomach)、甲状腺癌(thyroid)和多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma)。

What is a Gene Mutation?

A mutation is a change in the sequence of DNA units, which are like the letters of the alphabet, that make up the genetic instructions that determine a cell’s structure and function. A mutation in a gene could be compared to a simple misspelling of a word by a single letter, or a duplication or … Read more

Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivorship and Follow-Up Care

Adult Hodgkin lymphoma has one of the highest cure rates among all cancers. Still, the standard lymphoma therapies – including chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and steroid therapy – may result in long-term side-effects beginning during treatment, and/or late-term effects arising years or decades after treatment. This is why check-ups and screenings are so important following treatment. … Read more

Why Do I Sometimes Feel Tired After Radiation Therapy?

One of the most common side effects cancer patients experience is fatigue. During treatment, some patients may feel particularly tired after receiving radiation therapy. Fatigue can result when the immune system responds to an injury or wound. This occurs because the immune system uses energy to fight infection and sends out substances that make the … Read more

Discovering New Ways to Approach the Treatment of Rare Brain Tumors

Until a few years ago, there were only a handful of known survivors of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT), a rare cancer that affects the brain and central nervous system. When researchers at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center studied how these few survivors were treated, they found three had been given an unusual … Read more