How Treatment Works for CAR T-Cell Therapy Patients

CAR T-cell therapy is a form of immunotherapy that uses specially modified T cells — part of the body’s defense system against disease — to attack cancer. It involves collecting T cells from a patient and genetically modifying them to recognize cancer cells. Reinfused into the patient, CAR T cells can spark a potent immune … Read more

Stem Cell Transplants for Pediatric Patients: What to Know

Stem cell transplantation, otherwise known as bone marrow transplantation, is the infusion of healthy blood-forming stem cells into a patient to replace or supplement the bone marrow. Stem cell transplants can be used for patients whose stem cells are not healthy, either because of an inherited or acquired problem or as a result of damage … Read more

What’s New in Treatment of Adult Histiocytic Disorders?

While blood cancers known as adult histiocytic disorders are very rare and many patients do well with today’s treatments, researchers are working to improve outcomes with therapies targeted to newly discovered mutations – and they are about to begin testing immunotherapies, too. Histiocytic disorders involved overproduction of immune white cells, histiocytes, that attack tissues in … Read more

What’s the Difference between Chemotherapy Drugs and Antibody Drugs?

Both chemotherapy and antibody agents are used in the treatment of cancer. In its broadest definition, cancer chemotherapy refers to any drug that destroys cancer cells or slows their growth and reproduction. As the “chemo” in their name suggests, however, true chemotherapy agents consist of chemicals that kill fast-growing cancer cells while generally sparing slower-growing … Read more

What Is PD-L1?

A PD-L1 test helps doctors determine whether a patient is likely to benefit from cancer drugs known as immune checkpoint inhibitors. It involves sending a piece of tumor tissue to a lab for analysis. What is PD-L1? PD-L1 is a protein that allows some cells to escape an attack by the immune system. Extending from the … Read more

The Loss of a Child: Stories from Three Bereaved Parents

As told to Sue Morris, PsyD As director of Dana-Farber’s Bereavement Program, I regularly sit with bereaved individuals, listen to their stories, and help them navigate their lives after they have been completely turned upside down. I recently spoke with three bereaved parents who are members of Dana-Farber’s Pediatric Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC), … Read more

Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients Find Success with Targeted Drug

At first, early intervention specialists told Christi Powers that her young son’s gross motor delays and poor balance were likely the result of weak muscle tone, but when Danny developed severe headaches at age 4, she took him to the emergency room. Soon the suburban Boston boy was diagnosed with a low-grade glioma, the most … Read more

What Are Carcinoid Tumors?

Carcinoid tumors are rare, often slow-growing tumors that form from neuroendocrine cells found throughout the body. Carcinoid tumors most commonly arise in the gastrointestinal system, including the appendix, small intestine, or rectum, but may occur in other sites, including the lungs. In most cases, there is no clear cause of carcinoid tumors. There does not … Read more

What Are Adult Histiocyte Disorders?

Adult histiocyte disorders are a group of rare diseases that involve an over-production of white blood cells known as histiocytes, which destroy foreign substances and protect the body from infection. In adults, Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is the most common of these diseases. LCH arises when specialized histiocytes called dendritic cells become too abundant in … Read more

What Are the Side Effects of Immunotherapy?

Medically reviewed by Gordon Freeman, PhD New drugs that stimulate the patient’s immune system to attack tumors have achieved some dramatic and long-lasting benefits in several forms of cancer. A few drugs are already approved for wide use and many more are in the research pipeline. Because these immunotherapy agents work differently than chemotherapy, the … Read more

Despite Difficult Stem Cell Transplant, Teen Remains Active

Drew D’Auteuil is a 17-year-old animal-loving, skiing, rowing, volleyball- playing, honor roll student with braces and a shock of red hair. Although he may seem like a typical teen, D’Auteuil has survived rare, life-threatening complications of a stem cell transplant for severe aplastic anemia. “It’s eye-opening to realize how fragile life really is when you’re … Read more

Discovering New Ways to Approach the Treatment of Rare Brain Tumors

Until a few years ago, there were only a handful of known survivors of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT), a rare cancer that affects the brain and central nervous system. When researchers at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center studied how these few survivors were treated, they found three had been given an unusual … Read more