What is Liposarcoma?

Cancers known as sarcomas develop in the connective tissues, such as muscle, fat, and bone, that hold the body together. The type of sarcoma called liposarcoma originates in fat cells that have been driven by random DNA errors into malignant growth, forming tumors. George Demetri, MD, director of Dana-Farber’s Center for Sarcoma and Bone Oncology, … Read more

What is a RAS Mutation? 

RAS is an oncogene, which is a gene that when mutated causes cancer. RAS — an abbreviation for rat sarcoma — is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. RAS mutations are found in 20% of all cancers and account for an estimated 260,000 cases per year in the U.S. and 3.4 million cases … Read more

Patient Takes Steps Toward Proactive Care Following Three Cancer Diagnoses 

Elizabeth Johnston, then 37, was healthy and busy with two young children and a blossoming career running a public relations firm in Connecticut. One of her clients is the Hartford Marathon Foundation and in 2015, she decided to start running smaller stretches herself.   “I was in the best shape of my life,” Johnston recalls.   Little … Read more

What Is ctDNA?

Like a mill crumbling into a river, solid tumors constantly shed bits of themselves — including their DNA — into the bloodstream. This free-floating genetic material, known as circulating tumor DNA, or ctDNA, contains a trove of information about the tumor.  Advances in technology have made it possible to extract ctDNA from a blood sample, … Read more

Can Hair Relaxers and Straighteners Cause Uterine Cancer?

A recent study found that women who frequently use chemical hair straighteners and relaxers could have a higher risk of developing uterine cancer than those who have not used the products. The study, which tracked 34,000 women nationwide for more than a decade, comes at a time when uterine cancer rates in women are increasing, … Read more

What is the Difference Between Endometrioid and Non-Endometrioid Uterine Cancer?

Uterine cancer ­­— also known as endometrial cancer — has traditionally been classified as endometrioid or non-endometrioid based on the appearance of the tumor cells under a microscope. Now, as scientists learn more about the molecular makeup of the disease, uterine cancers are increasingly identified by the specific genetic alterations within them. Endometrioid uterine tumors … Read more

‘I’m Prouder Than Ever’: A Mom Reflects on Her Son’s Legacy

Among the most memorable on-air guests during the first WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon — a live, 36-hour broadcast held each summer to benefit Dana-Farber patient care and research — was Todd Schwartz, a 19-year-old patient in Dana-Farber’s Jimmy Fund Clinic. Here, Todd’s mother, Janet Schwartz, reflects on her son’s appearance that day in 2002, his … Read more

Study Describes Mechanism of Chromosomal Disarray in Cancer Cells

Picture a floor strewn with broken crockery, hastily and haphazardly pieced back together, and you’ll have a sense of the chromosomal chaos inside many cancer cells. In a phenomenon known as chromothripsis, a chromosome or piece of chromosome shatters and reassembles almost randomly, mangling its genetic information. It’s a common feature of cancer cells, found … Read more

New ‘Almanac’ Tool of Tumor Molecular Changes Could Aid Precision Cancer Care

Researchers at Dana-Farber and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have created a novel Molecular Oncology Almanac that combines an algorithm, or computational method, for interpreting genomic alterations in a patient’s tumor, along with a knowledge base of molecular changes reported to be associated with tumor behavior. They say that the components of this … Read more

Fertility Preservation Program Offers Choices and Chances to Pediatric Cancer Patients

The shock of a new cancer diagnosis was still settling in for Isabel Nordby when she and her parents made a decision that could greatly impact the teenager’s future — if and when the time is right. Before starting her chemotherapy protocol for Ewing sarcoma in April 2020, Isabel, then 15, had one of her … Read more

Study Reveals Factor That Determines ‘Fate’ of Cancer Cells When Tumor Suppressor Gene Function is Restored

Many cancers develop from cells that have a malfunctioning tumor suppressor gene, p53, which normally helps control unchecked cell growth and prevent cancer. Some scientists are pursuing a strategy of restoring p53 gene function in cancer cells to stop their unruly growth or kill them. The exact effects of reviving p53 activity in tumors are … Read more