Study Uncovers Potent Immunotherapy Approach to Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Immune therapies declare open season on cancer, rousing immune system cells to take up an attack on tumors. But which immune cells join the hunt, which sit it out, and what happens within immune cells that causes them to go on the offensive? Such questions are especially relevant when immunotherapies show only limited effectiveness against … Read more

Looking for Cancer’s Achilles Heel: The Pediatric Cancer Dependency Map

Thanks to developments in precision medicine, some adult cancers are now treated with designer drugs that target the genetic mutations that caused them. But most children with cancer have not reaped the same benefits. Unlike adult cancers, childhood cancers carry few genetic mutations. And the mutations these tumors do have are typically harder to make … Read more

Dana-Farber Opens New Doors for Patient Battling Metastatic Colon Cancer

Paul Rawate has never been one to sit still. Whether it was getting his blackbelt in Taekwondo at just 8 years old or growing up to run a successful business, the 45-year-old has always kept his eye on the next challenge. In 2018, Rawate faced an entirely new obstacle when he was diagnosed with metastatic … Read more

What is Paget Disease of the Breast?

Paget disease of the breast occurs when cancer cells within the breast grow along the sides of the milk ducts and exit onto the skin of the nipple and surrounding circle of skin called the areola. It can arise at any age associated with breast cancer and usually involves a single breast. Although the hallmarks … Read more

Cancer Care in Transgender Youth Patients: Things to Consider

If transgender youth and adults are undergoing (or planning) gender-affirming surgery, taking masculinizing or feminizing hormones, and they have cancer, these treatments can have implications for their care. Cancer treatments in turn can have implications for their gender-affirming care. Oncologists should take gender identity into account in making decisions about cancer treatment. This starts with … Read more

CAR T-Cell Therapy Pushes Grandmother’s Multiple Myeloma Into Long Remission

As head of a family that includes seven children and 12 grandchildren, Susan Voigt says she is used to putting other people first. When it comes to trailblazing multiple myeloma treatment, however, she is proudly out in front. A longtime Vermont resident, Voigt, 69, was the first person from her state to receive CAR T-cell … Read more

What is Richter’s Syndrome and How is it Treated?

Richter’s syndrome involves the rapid transformation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) into a significantly more aggressive form of lymphoma, usually diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), but occasionally Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). It arises in 2-10% of all patients with CLL and can occur at any time in the course of the disease. The goal of treatment … Read more

Resurrecting an Alternative Treatment for NER-Deficient Bladder Cancer Patients

Discovering new cancer treatment can sometimes be a matter of connecting the dots between new pathways and old drugs. That was the case in a new paper in the TKTK issue of Clinical Cancer Research co-authored by Kent Mouw MD, PhD, co-director of Dana-Farber’s Bladder Cancer Center. Mouw and his team found a promising way … Read more

Innovative Gene Editing Could Cure Severe Congenital Neutropenia

Fionn Mulrooney, a cheerful 11-month-old, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, has no idea he has a life-threatening genetic disease. Nor does he seem fazed by the daily subcutaneous injections his parents have learned how to give him. And little does he know that cells from his bone marrow are helping scientists develop an innovative gene-editing approach that … Read more

Metastatic Uterine Cancer Patient Remains Optimistic With Help of Care Team

Stephanie Davis is a master adapter. When she was initially diagnosed with serous uterine cancer, she found a way to continue working around surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Today, she is still adapting — moving from one treatment plan to another as her cancer changes — and is in consultation with her care team to keep … Read more

Newly FDA-Approved Therapy Offers Kidney Cancer Patient a Path Forward

Chuck Stravin carries a white three-ring binder to all of his oncology appointments. Inside are his appointment notes, information about his treatment history, and the latest research and advancements regarding his disease. Nestled alongside these documents also sits a family photo of Stravin, his wife Liz, and their four daughters. Stravin’s family has been instrumental … Read more

‘They’re Always There’: Emotional Support for Childhood Cancer Patients and Parents at Dana-Farber

When Samantha Price’s four-year-old daughter, Shelby, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) in October 2019, Price had so many questions about what the future held for both of them. What would the highs and lows of treatment look and feel like for Shelby, and how could she best care for her daughter throughout the … Read more