Focus is On Safety and Solidarity For Cancer Patients During COVID-19

Gina Solomon was in her office on March 10, worrying about the growing coronavirus pandemic, when the phone rang with news that quickly and dramatically shifted her concerns. Solomon, 55, learned she had HER2-positive breast cancer, a subtype of the disease that was as unfamiliar to her as COVID-19. In that instant, she went from … Read more

Dana-Farber Clinical Research Stays on Track During COVID-19

The resilience shown by cancer care providers during the coronavirus crisis is in equal supply among those involved in clinical research. The strict protocols associated with these studies — rules on eligibility, consent, criteria for tracking response, data collection and analysis — might seem to allow little of the flexibility needed in the COVID-19 era. … Read more

Cancer Won’t Stop Me, And Neither Will COVID-19

By Ben Lepper Most people my age look at COVID-19 as a burden on their everyday lives of seeing friends, hanging out, and going to college. I see it differently.    As an active cancer patient being treated for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), I am immunocompromised. This puts me at especially high risk for … Read more

How to Prepare For a Virtual Visit With Your Oncologist

The number of patients having virtual visits (or telehealth visits) with their doctors and other healthcare providers has skyrocketed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Providers at Dana-Farber and other hospitals are committed to delivering exceptional care throughout the pandemic, whether via in-person appointments or virtual appointments if appropriate for you. Here are two things you … Read more

Approval of Myeloma Drug Improves Patients’ Prospects

Five years into his treatment for multiple myeloma, Mark Young was attending a Dana-Farber conference to learn about the latest research in the disease when his oncologist — Paul Richardson, MD, clinical program leader and director of clinical research at the Institute’s Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center — came running up with some timely news. … Read more

Grieving During the Coronavirus: Advice From a Clinical Psychologist

The coronavirus pandemic has upended our lives and routines in recent weeks, generating fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. Coping with this disruption — adjusting to staying home, working remotely, and distancing ourselves from others, among other changes — has been difficult for many. It can be especially challenging if someone you love has died during the … Read more